Genealogy Services, Old Photos, Postcards, Trade Cards, Etc.

Category: Breakthroughs

Brown & Dawson, Druggists

Trade Card, circa 1887. Syracuse, New York. Price:  $15.00     Size:  About 2 and 5/8 x 4 and 3/8″ “I use Toilet No. 13 Cologne. Made by Brown & Dawson, Druggists, No. 13 South Salina Street, Syracuse, N. Y.    Fragrant!    Delicious!”…Read More…

Page & Nunn, Brockton, Mass

Trade Card, circa 1882, Brockton, Massachusetts. Price:  $15.00             Size:  About 2 and 5/8 x 4 and 3/8″ “Page & Nunn, Manufacturers of the Purest and Finest Confectionery, 427 Main St., Brockton, Mass.        D. L. Page.     F. T. Nunn.” A trade…Read More…

I. Rice Sons, Rochester, NY

“Established in 1852. I. Rice Sons, Dealers in Men’s and Boys’ Ready-Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, &c., 29 East Main Street, Rochester, N. Y.” At first glance, you might wonder if the  “I. Rice Sons”  without “&” printed on this…Read More…

Paris Card Company, Boston, 1881

Trade Card. Circa 1881. Paris Card Co., Boston, MA Price:  $25.00         Size:  About 2 and 3/4 x 4 and 1/2″ Here’s another in what we call our  “Breakthrough”  category, and like the last post, it’s a trade card from Boston….Read More…

Launtz Millinery, Salinas, CA

Antique trade card, circa 1890 – 1891.     Size:  About 2 and 5/8 x 4 and 1/2″ Price:  $15.00 This trade card is the first in a new category that we’re labeling “Breakthroughs”  (for lack of a better term.) I’ve asked…Read More…