235 N. Normal Ave, Burley, Cassia County, Idaho

Old photo, circa 1919 or 1920.

Price:  $15.00

A hipped roof house, photo a little blurry, but still a gem….And it’s been printed on the type of stock that was used for Real Photo Postcards though, as we can see, it couldn’t have been a postcard since the usual postal printing does not appear on the back.

“house faces west, this is front.  Dear Carrie  This does not Flatter the house as I really think this looks rather shabby but I dont know why this looks worse then it realy is to me. I will have another view taken not so close and more landscape. the Brick School is on the next Block south of us with no buildings between us yet. when I get it Painted it will look better. I have a little garden, a few beans, Peas, Radishes, Potatoes, tomatoes, Planted lots of seed that never came up for want of water, sowed more Beets, are coming nicely now not large but will make small Pickles hope tomatoes will too. The number on the house is 235. Can you see it? I Just got my old Shack moved the 25th. C. C. went that day, and made the man move it before he went, been Paid for ever since April, am using it for storehouse and coal house, may fix it up to rent not quite sure as it will take some money to do it, wish I could tho as it would be a good help this winter. do you write to Susie. I owe her & John a letter, do you write to Florence. I haven’t said half but good night. love from Harold to all, mother, me too.”

Ahhh, another beauty of a find that’s filled up with writing on the reverse! (We put up an RPPC a few posts ago.) This was written by Mary Bowne, who was born in Connecticut about 1866, of Irish/English descent, and widow of Linus Bowne. Mary’s occupation was private nurse, from the 1920 Federal Census for Burley, Cassia County, ID. The census and city directory show her at 235 N. Normal Avenue, and the census lists her as head of household for herself, son-in-law, Charles Moeller (a widower), and twelve-year-old grandson, Harold Moeller.

Sources:  R. L. Polk & Co.’s Polk’s Twin Falls, Blaine, Camas, Cassia, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln and Minidoka Counties Directory 1920-1921. Page 351. Ancestry.com. U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995.

Year: 1920; Census Place: Burley, Cassia, Idaho; Roll: T625_290; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 134. (Ancestry.com).

Killarney, Thro’ The Pass At Gap Of Dunloe

Killarney Thro The Pass At Gap Of Dunloe pc1Killarney Thro The Pass At Gap Of Dunloe pc2

Addressed to:   ” ‘Blue Nurses’ Emerson Hospital, Concord Mass U.S.A.”

The term “Blue Nurses” doesn’t show up online, and with the surrounding quotes by the card sender, it must have been just an affectionate term he or she had for the nursing staff there at that time. Likely their uniforms were blue. (There are many examples that can be found online of vintage nurse uniforms, blue in color.) The sender, someone with a nice sense of humor, wrote an interesting note about his or her adventure in the Gap of Dunloe:

“June 17 – Imagine me on a little Irish poney starting thro’ this gap of Dunloe for 6 1/2 miles. Later on steep and rugged – so rough, in fact, that my poney fell and I went over his head and into a morass at the side of the trail – I’m mended now. I seem to have had trouble to spell pony – Perhaps the fall – I’ve enjoy[ed] my gift so much – M. Copeland.”

Appropriate, the injury and mending story being sent to nurses, eh?

And how ’bout that use of the word  thro’ ?  Multiple dictionary definitions describe it as:  An informal or poetic variant spelling of the word through. It is pronounced the same, just like the common variant that we see nowadays as thru.

Divided back, used postcard. Postmarked June 18, 1929 from Baile Atha Cliath (Dublin) Ireland. Publisher:  The Woolstone Bros., “Renowned” for Local Views. London. E. C. 1. The “Milton” Series. Printed in Saxony.

Price:  $15.00

Photos From A Family Album


This gallery contains 63 photos.

Here are a bunch of old photos from someone’s family album, that have been waiting around to finally get scanned and posted. This is WWI Era (the date from the army barracks photos appears to be 7/20/18) and several show … Continue reading