Une Oasis

Une Oasis pc1Une Oasis pc2

597. Une oasis. Un oasi.

Unused, divided back postcard depicting a desert oasis scene. The postcard’s stamp box contain the letters HUGF. The publisher’s logo on the bottom left consists of the letters LLT with a design on each side of the letters similar to an “equals” sign, (=) all of which are enclosed in a circle.

This postcard was very interesting to research. The stamp box, which was a major puzzler at first, became the key to identifying the location for this postcard. Although Hugf could be the name of the printing manufacturer, it does not show up as a company name in online research related to postcards, nor as a translation of “stamp.” However, we do find it as a place name, mentioned in the book entitled “In the Heart of the Desert” by Michael Quentin Morton. This book is a biography on the author’s father, Mike Morton (1924-2003), who was an exploration geologist in the Middle East. Of course, finding the Hugf reference doesn’t mean that this artist rendition of an oasis scene was a real place in the Hugf region, on the other hand, it could very well have been. Chapter 13, page 147 contains a description of the Hugf as an area of ancient rocks situated on the eastern edge of the Jiddat al Harasis plateau.

Map of Oman

In the map of Oman above we can see that Jiddat al Harasis is located just below the central region of the map, to the west of the seaside port of Duqm. And if we look for the nation’s capital (top right) we see that the letter “t” in Masqat, and just above that in Matrah, has a type of accent mark similar to the french cedilla. If we look closely at the postcard publisher logo, we can see a similar mark there under the capital T. This might indicate that the publisher was based in the country of Oman.

LLT logo

Sources:  http://www.greenmountainpress.co.uk/in_the_heart_of_the_desert_morton.html




Marchands de Figues de Barbarie

Figues de Barbarie1Figues de Barbarie2

551 Scènes et Types. Marchands de figues de Barbarie.

Barbary Fig market scene, Casablanca, Morocco. The Barbary Fig, also referred to as the cactus pear, prickly pear and Indian fig, is a certain type of cactus and it’s fruit. Both the green pad or nopal and the fruit are eaten. The fruit or “tuna” is also prized for the tiny amount of oil that can be extracted from it. The oil is used in cosmetic creams and shampoos and is said to have excellent anti-aging properties.

Ed. [Editeur translated as publisher] “La Cigogne” I, Rond-Point, Lapérouse, Casablanca. The french term “scènes et types” I believe refers to more of the broad general category of scenes, such as the market scene in this post, and of people typical to the area or types. The usage for this phrase shows up under other publishers, in addition to La Cigogne. Perhaps in English the equivalent might be titled something like “people and places.” A cigogne is a stork, and we can see here the little stork symbol on the bottom left of the back of the card.

Divided back, deckled edge, unused postcard. “551 Scènes et Types.” Publisher:  “La Cigogne” I, Rond-Point, Lapérouse, Casablanca. Circa 1950s.

Price:  $10.00

Source:  Opuntia ficus-indica. n.d. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opuntia_ficus-indica (accessed November 29, 2013).


Coach Stop Merry Christmas

Coach Stop 1Coach Stop 2

“I’ve wished it many times before, Hope I can wish it many more. – Merry Christmas”

Beautiful vintage Christmas card sent by The Ingalls family, showing colorful depiction of a couple waiting at the coach stop with their Christmas packages. Perhaps this will remind you of a scene from the English countryside in the 1800’s. Even though it may seem funny to research a drawing like this, in order to pin-point the time-period of this fictional scene, (it has become rather an obsession here at Laurel Cottage) it is (besides being amusing) worthwhile to pick out the drawing’s details:  the gentleman wears a caped great coat and top hat; the lady wears a bonnet and carries a muff. Is the gentleman holding an oil lantern or a kerosene lantern? Was this a Regency or Victorian Era scene, or later? Good grief, these questions lead to others such as:  what really is the time frame for the Regency Era (strictly-speaking 1811-1820 but a little bit broader time-frame in general, for the Regency influence); when was the kerosene lantern invented (evidently not a simple question, there were lots of patents out there); when were top hats popular; what is the history of coaching; what is that architectural style (“half-timbered,” but that was probably not a true half-timbered house, as the timber ornamentation was a popular add-on in the 1800’s for decoration.)

Size:  About 4 x 5″

Price:  $20.00

Sources and further reading:  http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~awoodley/carriage/history.html#coach




May Your Christmas Be Merry

May Your Christmas Be Merry

An absolutely wonderful Christmas card signed, “Herman and Mary Louise.” This one needs more research on the style, possible artist and date. See a newer post on this website that might be by the same artist. “Best Wishes From Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jarchow.”

Christmas card. Artist and date unknown. Circa 1900 – 1930.  Size:  About 4 x 5″

Price:  $30.00

Trip To Canada Photo Album


This gallery contains 12 photos.

     “Snaps” Scottie dog cover        Canadian side, Niagara Falls     Tourism for the Dionne Quints     Rustic cabin heaven     The Cosgroves in the Nipissing area?     The cows were the getter-uppers     Love the dog      Hydro-electric plant     Fishermen     Richard     Beauty in … Continue reading



“The Great American Ace. Capt. Charles Lindbergh who flew from New York to Paris in 33 hrs. 32 min. May 20, 1927.”

Arcade card, pretty beat-up with the scratches and stains, but still cool. Bottom right says “Ex. Sup. Co. Chgo. Made in U.S.A.” This was the Exhibit Supply Company out of Chicago. This card is the second on this website for this manufacturer of arcade games and cards. (See Lump of Sugar post.)

Size:  About 5 and 1/4 x 3 and 1/4″

For more info on the Exhibit Supply Co. see:



Christmas Greetings At Sunset

Christmas Greetings pc1Christmas Greetings pc2

By coincidence to the prior post, here is another Christmas postcard printed in Germany and published by Richard Behrendt. Framed beautiful home in winter scene showing sunset reflecting off of water. Scene is displayed between two “ribbons” of forget-me-nots. Embossed and with gold tone overlay.

Divided back, unused, embossed postcard. Circa 1907 – 1915. Publisher Richard Behrendt, San Francisco, CA. #1797.

Price:  $4.00

Good Luck For A Merry Christmas

Good Luck For Christmas pc2 (2)Good Luck For Christmas pc2 (1)

To me, this is funny since it is unusual by today’s standards – to have the Good Luck sentiment merging with the Merry Christmas sentiment. This is a wonderful card for that reason, but also the colors are great and the design is great:  the house scene, the gold-tone overlay, the holly, and especially the wonderful likeness of window pane frost. As to the date of this card:  According to The Chicago Postcard Museum, postcard printing in Germany stopped prior to 1915 due to WWI. And according to The Metropolitan Postcard Club of New York City, publisher Richard Behrendt operated from 1906 – 1930, and also dealt in toys, novelties, stereo-views and greeting cards. See below for the web addresses of these two excellent websites.

Divided back, unused postcard. Printed in Germany. Circa 1907 – 1915. Publisher Richard Behrendt, San Francisco, CA. #1785.

Price:  $10.00

Sources:  http://www.chicagopostcardmuseum.org/postcard_age.html


The Well of Friendship

The Well of Friendship pc1The Well of Friendship pc2

Just to tell, I wish you well,

And may we both rely,

That never, shall

Our Friendship’s well,

Be e’er found running dry”

Beautiful embossed postcard regarding friendship showing a well with ivy and forget-me-nots with some overlay of silver tone. It seems odd that the “Nought But” part is at the bottom. Was it supposed to be “Nought But the Well of Friendship” or just “Nought But” regarding this is just a friendship card? Also odd that the silver runs over on the last few lines of the card. Was this supposed to be like an early scratcher? (half-way joking) But no, the silver tone doesn’t scratch off.

Divided back, embossed, unused postcard. Circa 1912.