
If you’d like to purchase any of the items on this website please leave a comment or contact me by email or phone. Available items will have the price listed; sold items will be indicated as such. Or, if you’d just like to comment about a photo, postcard, trade card, etc., your thoughts or questions are always welcome!

If you’re looking for help with your family tree you can contact me by email or leave a message on my cell phone, though email is best. Time can vary greatly per job, so there’s room to be flexible, though general pricing is $35.00 per hour.

At this time, I accept payment by credit card via the “Donate” button, or by Paypal or by personal check.

Thank you,

(831) 455-5634

18 thoughts on “Contact

    • Hi Kim, sorry I don’t have anything else from them. And I checked at the last vintage paper fair (impossible to see every item at these shows) but I did look through a pretty decent size box of trade cards but no luck. Will keep an eye out for you though! Anne

  1. Hi Anne,

    I am still interested in Gradon and Koehler items, if you happen to run across anything. Thank you so much for keeping your eye out. Take care,


  2. I am researching my Family Tree and I am a Decedent of Lewis Mashue/Louis Majue. I am trying to find out as much as possible. Could u lead me in any ways or have any information that I might not know about. Thank You

    • Hi Regina, probably the best way is to send you an invite to my family tree. I have quite a bit there regarding Louis. Hopefully there will be something you don’t have yet. I have to admit I haven’t done as much research on his ancestors as possible. My recollection is taking a break from that line, due to some of the church records being extremely hard to read. I should re-visit it. Anyway, I will email you and we can go from there. Thanks for contacting me. Nice to meet a cousin!

    • I am also a descendant of Lewis Mashue, and Nancy Anna. Both Nancy Anna, and Madelyn Mashue Campau, are buried in my family cemetery in Frankenmuth, MI. The Campau family cemetery. My Great Grandfather was Henry Campau.

  3. I think your site is marvelous. With old postcards, it’s fun to look up
    the people and the addresses. Quite often,I have found the
    exact place where they lived. With this method, one can learn all
    about how people lived and the things they accomplished one hundred
    years ago!

  4. Hi Rebecca, thanks for the lovely comment. Your site is way cool! Awesome stuff there. I’ve found a few vintage or antique necklaces recently at thrift stores. Such fun to find unexpected treasures and rescue them really, from possibly being tossed away (cringe).

  5. Hi, about the post card on your site addressed to Steven Wennihan of Kansas, he was my great- grandfather! He died in 1940, at 63. Interesting it still exists. Sincerely, Dan Davidson

  6. I have another postcard addressed to Ruby Stubbs in Abbeville GA. It is a postcard of Honolulu HI but postmarked from Des Moines Iowa. Do you have a record of an address where she may have resided?

  7. Hi Tony, I don’t have an address other than what the 1900 census shows when Ruby was about 10 years old, which is just the town of Abbeville (specifically Militia District 1158 written at the top of the census page) in Wilcox county. Looking at random pages on that census, it seems there were no house numbers, or even a road listed, for any of the town’s residents at that time. I do see that their father, George W. Stubbs, unfortunately died later that year, in July 1900, and the 1910 census taken in Abbeville shows the mother, Maria and three of the adult kids were living next door to Ruby’s older brother Hassan (Samuel Hassan Stubbs) and his family. Ruby had married James F. Nance, October 7, 1909.

  8. I just sent an email but it might not have gone through. I am an Evon, and also related to Na-Ges-Sis, and Louie Mashue, et. al. Are you someone I already know, or someone new?!


    Kathee Ki

    • Hi Kathee, yes we already know each other. This is funny….but proof of how the internet works….I’m sure there’s not many people out there searching for Na-Ges-Sis, in particular. Will email you. 🙂 Anne

      • I am also related to Nagessis. My Great Grand father was a Henry Campau. He died at the age of 33 in a coal mine. He left his wife with 4 children under the age of 5. She remarried 2 more times. Hence, my family history was lost. Henry is buried in Frankenmuth at the Campau family cemetery along with Nancy Anna, and Madeline..the died of smallpox 2 weeks apart.

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