
The old photos, postcards, trade cards, calling cards, miscellaneous cards, (click on them to enlarge) and genealogy posts that you’ll find here are all easy to search. You can use the search box on any page just like a regular Google type search. Just type in your key word or words, for example, the name of your ancestor, the location you’re searching in, or any other key word that you’re searching under. A positive result for your search will then show the category or categories in bold that your result or results appear in. Just click there to bring up the image and/or the rest of the post. Or you can browse by category from the list of categories on the right-hand side of the home page.

So, whether you are hunting for that long lost “rellie,” looking for more information about a photographer from decades past, collecting certain types of postcards, just enjoy virtual time traveling, or whatever…happy hunting and browsing! And check back often, more is added weekly.


4 thoughts on “Search

  1. I found a box full of vintage postcards, unused. Most are divided by the words Genuine Curteich-Chicago ” C.T. Art-Colortone ” post Card ( REG. U.S. PAT. OFF.). Also most have printed on the back Lewiston News Co., Lewiston, Maine. And place One Cent Stamp here in the corner.

    Others have non of the above: Pub by J.J. Mullane, Lewiston, Me divided by Made In The USA with what appears to be a teapot with the letter M, also Place Stamp Here with no cost mentioned.

    Any information on these? Thank you! Nancy

    • Hi Nancy, Curteich is a big name in postcards and much info is online – you probably know already, but the company was founded by printer and German immigrant, Curt Teich (Wikipedia shows his photo). Here’s a couple of links that might help you: Postcardzone and MetroPostcard (under Publishers – T) But I did a quick search in city directories for Lewiston, ME and J. J. Mullane. Likely he was John J. Mullane who shows up roughly from 1932 – 1951, but the company may have been run by his wife Lucy, after he died. (There’s some confusion there with a couple of the directory entries.) The 1951 directory, under the heading of News Dealers, shows seven entries, two of which are Lewiston News Co (wholesale), address 22 Bates, and J. J. Mullane, address 33 Chestnut. Whether J. J. Mullane had any connection to Lewiston News Co. would be another question altogether. Give me a few days and I’ll look further and get back to you. I haven’t run across the teapot logo, as far as I remember, it sounds cute! Anne

  2. I am trying to find out the name of the copyright on the front of several of my postcards. Its a circle with a “C” in the center. Above the circle is a “S”
    to the left of the circle is an “L” and to the right of the circle is a “C”
    Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

    • Jean, the company for that logo is Stecher Lithograph Company, out of Rochester NY. What’s in the circle is Co for copyright. This info was found in the publication “Publishers’ Trademarks Identified” by Walter E. Corson, edited by James Lowe, trademark found on page 27. The publication lists four different trademarks in total. The one you have, as far as I can tell from this publication, might be from about 1911.

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